Gate of Heaven - the Land and Yeshua
My spirit is rejoicing as I once again embrace the mystery of the Land of Israel and how the Land reveals Yeshua. This Land, in many...

The King is in the Field - Preparing to Meet Him
Are you a believer in Yeshua? Yeshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus. It means “Salvation”. He is the King of the Jews and the ruler of...

Guarding the Presence
During this season of seeing the signs of the times manifest in the earth, my spirit has been so stirred by the Ruach haKodesh, and I...

Speaking Spiritual Truth in Spiritual Words
“This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in...

Signs of the Times - Panic and Fear
Like many of you, I have been earnestly seeking the Lord about His directive to us as believers during these days of great panic and fear...

What You Do in Secret
For some it is a great comfort to know that the Lord sees you always, that He is omnipresent and nothing you do goes unnoticed by Him. ...

Some of You
As I was seeking the Lord for ministry direction this year, He on ce again planted in my heart the wonder and the awe of realizing that...

Don't Go Back
Don't Go Back - Never Forget Don't go back to where and who you were over two years ago, before this season of global chaos. Never forget...

Tell Him I Am Faint With Love
Loving Yeshua because He loved me first is my life. There is no meaning to existence without Him. But sometimes expression of passion...

Messianic Faith - Not for Jews Only
Over my thirty-five years in the “restoration of Israel” movement, there have been many markers. I believe we are right on the edge of...