What God is Teaching Me Through Caring for Shmu
Physical care-giving has never been my long suit. But I do have a strong calling as a “protector” of others and feel responsible for...

Let Us Adore Him - Yeshua haMashiach
A Prayer to our King ~ let us adore Him ~ Yeshua, Malkeinu, you are so exquisitely, shiningly, breathtakingly beautiful, so kind, so...

A Word from the Lord - Revival of Worship in the Galilee
What I am about to share I do believe is a very important revelation for all of us who are seeing the signs of His appearing. These are...

Where Will You Give Your Offerings
In just a few weeks, I will once again be heading to Israel. This will be a different type journey as I am not leading a tour group for...

Holding it Together
Blessings and Shalom, Dear Friends, in the Name of Yeshua haMashiach! Have you experienced times when it just seems that everything is...

Why We Celebrate Shabbat at Highway to Zion
Shabbat Shalom, Dear Friends! Last weekend's Highway to Zion Assembly was such a blessing as we welcomed in Shabbat together and received...

Seeking the Kingdom
My heart is so humbled as I dig ever deeper into the living Word of God. The awareness of how awesome Yahweh is overwhelms me. There is...

THE END FROM THE BEGINNING by Cathy Hargett "I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: ...

Inside of Yeshua
Inside of Yeshua December 5, 2018 While in Israel, just a little over a month ago, the Lord filled me with a wondrous revelation that I...

Shalom, Shalom, Dear Friends! The Lord recently gave me a "spirit-picture" that I feel prompted to share with you. I am thinking that...