The Dance of Two Camps

Today my dear Cousin Jan reminded me of a teaching that I did on the Song of Songs a while back. I want to share some of it with you because I needed this reminder and it helped me go up higher. I hope that it will do the same for you. Most of you know that one of my most favorite books in the Bible, if not my very favorite, is the Song of Songs - Shir ha Shirim - because I so believe it is His end-time Song to us and that He, in fact, is the Song of all Songs. He is the King of all Kings, the Lord of all Lords, who sings the Song of all Songs! Hallelujah!! I want to share from the Song of Songs, Chapter 6:13 - Chapter 7 and in particular this verse: "Come back, come back, O Shulammite; come back, come back, that we may gaze on you! Why would you gaze on the Shulammite as on the dance of Mahanaim?" What is the dance of Mahanaim - Mahanaim actually means "two camps" and sometimes "two armies" - the meaning I want express is that these two camps are heaven and earth and this dance of the Shulammite represents the one who is the beloved wife of the Lamb. She dances a dance that those around her find totally compelling - they implore her not to go away because they want to have more time to see exactly what this dance is all about - they say "come back, come back, that we may gaze on you!". The question is why do they want to gaze on her - it's because they see that she operates in two realms - the realm of heaven and the realm on earth. The dance she dances is the dance with the King of all Kings. He is teaching her perfect timing with His Spirit, perfect cadence, in step with Him, going where He goes, doing what He does. She has learned a dance that allows a divine and intimate worship and a divine warfare - a combination of the purest passion of love and the purest passion of righteous warfare. The sincere daughters of Jerusalem are looking at her as on the dance of Mahanaim because they realize there is a profound relationship between two dimensions - heaven and earth - they see that the Shulammite walks in this revelation because of her relationship with the Lover (Yeshua). Because of her relationship with Him, she is engaged in a warfare that requires participation between human and divine. She has released herself fully to dance/to war as His ambassador on earth, but she is empowered with the war strategy of heaven. It is her dance with Jesus that they see - she is His partner. She dances with Him as rescued humanity destined to be transformed from one "camp" (earth) to another "camp" (eternity). Meanwhile, she has learned the dance of both camps - of two camps - like a "translator" - she brings heaven to earth as she dances. It is a warfare because the natural realm is against the realm of the Spirit (Gal. 5:16-17; Rom. 8:1-17). In the same way that Yeshua demonstrated how to walk out a perfect life of humanity/divinity, she is dancing the dance of Mahanaim as she learns how to become like Him. She is dancing a dance that is both human and heavenly - the two camps - heaven and earth joined together. Those watching know that she has entered into a sphere that is not of this world, that she is engaged with both heaven and earth. She is proficient to dance the dance of two different armies (Eph. 1:9-10; Eph. 2:6-10) Oh, Lord, teach us to dance with you the dance of Mahanaim so that we may teach others to dance with you, too! Blessings and love in Messiah Yeshua! Cathy Additional References: Dance of Mahanaim: Mahanaim - Gen. 32:2 Warfare/victory - Ex. 15:19-21; I Sam. 18:6-7 Praise - Ps. 149:3; Ps. 150:4; II Sam. 6:14; Ps. 30:11 Joy - Ecc. 3:4; Jer. 31:4,13 Dance of two camps: Heaven/earth Bridegroom/Bride Divine/Human Jew/Gentile Cathy Hargett Highway to Zion Ministries, Inc.