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Shalom, Shalom, Dear Friends!

The Lord recently gave me a "spirit-picture" that I feel prompted to share with you. I am thinking that there are some of you out there that might be encouraged by this!

Here's what I saw - there was a person standing there all alone, appearing to be pretty much at their wit's end and just totally perplexed. There were so many disconnected thoughts banging around in this person's head, all colliding and going every which way. The person started crying out to Elohim in a desperate way, feeling so fragmented, not even sure what to ask or pray.

And here came Yeshua, walking very deliberately and powerfully towards this lonely figure, who was just all crumpled and rumpled and disheveled from the weariness of dealing with a head full of disconnected, frustrating thoughts, stripped of direction and purpose.

Yeshua so tenderly helped this "used-to-be-a-long-time-ago-powerful-warrior" into a nice, clean, white robe. He even kind of pulled the collar up around the person's neck like you would do when helping a child get dressed. He may have even kissed this crumpled warrior on the face.

Then, He placed a helmet on the person's head and began to place weapons in the person's hands - I saw that He gave this person a huge shining sword and attached a belt around the waist. He also handed the person a huge shield. The whole time He was doing this, the person had a forlorn expression like, "can't you see I'm hopeless?", "I am nowhere near capable of handling these weapons".

Yet, Yeshua continued to dress this person for battle and to equip the limp, frail hands with weapons of warfare that actually looked quite dangerous. Those weapons were going into the hands of a person who hardly looked capable of even remaining standing, much less wielding weapons!

After He did all of this clothing and equipping, He put His arms around the one He loves, and held the one He was caring for very close. He even said, "you can rest a bit, just be at peace now, just catch your breath, it's going to be all right". But you will be going out again soon.

You are mighty in battle because my strength is in you. You will go out and be victorious again. You will hear clearly and you will walk uprightly and you will be filled with everything you need for my Kingdom purposes. And I will always be with you. Even to the end of the age.

Bless you, dear hearts.

Receive HIs love.

Love in our Messiah Yeshua,



Ps. 107:26-30

II Cor. 4:8-18

I Cor. 2:16

Ps. 18:16-19

Heb. 13:5

Dt. 31:6

Isa. 40:11

Ps. 23:5

Song of Songs 2:6

Eph. 6:10-20

Ps. 144:1

Ps. 103:4

Php. 4:13

Neh. 8:10

Heb. 13:21

Ps. 24:8

Isa. 26:3

Matt. 28:20

Cathy Hargett

Highway to Zion Ministries, Inc.

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