Let Us Adore Him - Yeshua haMashiach
A Prayer to our King ~ let us adore Him ~
Yeshua, Malkeinu, you are so exquisitely, shiningly, breathtakingly beautiful, so kind, so merciful, so powerful. You are Perfection, so pure, so holy, so God. You are the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. You are the One True God, the God of Israel, the Root and the Offspring of David. You alone are worthy. Be glorified, Lord, in the earth. Let everything that has breath praise You. You are the King of the Jews, the Glory of your people Israel, and the Light to the Nations, to the Gentiles. All things were created by You and for You.
All our worship, Lord, is for You and You alone. You, our Savior, our King, fill our hearts with revelation of the reason for our existence. You satisfy our souls. For you, Lord, we were created. For your worship, we have been given the faculties of expression – to speak, to serve, to proclaim, to sing, to dance, to work, to write, to love others, to build, to create, all for the purpose of proclaiming your Glory, that You would be exalted in the earth. And after our appointed days are over in this earthly body, we will never cease to praise You. We will ever praise you throughout all eternity. We long for you, Lord.
“I know that my Redeemer lives and that in the end He will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see Him with my own eyes – I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me.” Job 19:25-27
We adore You, our Elohim - Abba, Yeshuati, Ruach Sheli – we are so humbled that you allow us to know You. Thank you, Yeshua, for making a way for your people, your creation, to get to Abba. Without you, there would be no possible way to be in the Presence of the fullness of Elohim. Lord, we are so filled with wonder about the things of your Ruach. The more we understand about You, the more we know that we don’t know a pinhead of the knowledge of You. But we so hunger and thirst after You and Your righteousness.
We worship You. Our heart and our flesh cry out for You, as we long for your promised re-appearing. We adore you, Lord.
Matt. 2:2-11
Luke 2:1-20
Ezek. 1:26-28
Rev. 1:13-18
Col. 1:19-20
Rev. 22:16
Isa. 41:4; 44:6; 48:12
Rev. 5: 9, 12-14
Ps. 150
Luke 2:30-32
Col. 1:16-17
Dt. 6:4-5
Matt. 22:37-40
Col. 3:17
Eph. 5:19-20
Job 19:25-26
I Jn. 3:2-3
Matt. 28:19-20
Col. 1:21-22
Isa. 55:9
Rom. 11:33-36
Ps. 63:1-8; Ps. 42:1-2; Ps. 73:25-26
Matt. 5:6
Matt. 24:30
Heb. 9:28
Titus 2:13
Cathy Hargett
Highway to Zion Ministries, Inc.